路由# 321076470

如何 避免税务诈骗

2024年3月19日 9分钟

Tax-related scams occur all year round, but especially during tax season. 根据美国财政部的数据,这个数字超过了2个.5 million instances of people impersonating IRS employees during the previous decade.1 More than 16,000 people have lost over $85 million in these tax scams.

当你准备今年的纳税申报时, here are some of the most common tax scams to watch out for this tax season.

注意这些 8个税务骗局

  1. 网络钓鱼
    网络钓鱼 is when you receive an email or text with a website link directing you to a page designed to steal your information. 以避免网络钓鱼诈骗, do not click on any links sent by people you do not know, 或者在任何可疑的邮件或短信中.

    Be very cautious when providing personal information to any website. If you are sent a tax-related email that you believe is fraudulent, forward it to 网络钓鱼@irs.政府. 还记得, 如果你收到了国税局的邮件, you should go to a new browser 和 log onto your IRS account directly. 不要点击邮件本身的链接.

    If you log on 和 see a message, then you know it’s legitimate. 如果您不这样做,则该消息可能是欺诈性的.

  2. Vishing
    这类似于通过电话进行的网络钓鱼. An individual will call you 和 claim that they are from the IRS. 作为 vishing骗局, they will ask for personal information such as your Social Security number, address, 全名或出生日期. If you receive a call like this, do not offer your information. Neither the IRS nor any reputable financial institution will ever ask for your Social Security number or other personal information over the phone.
  3. 灾难诈骗
    有些骗子以心胸宽广的人为目标. They will claim that they are representing an organization designed to help those impacted by a 自然灾害 或者发动战争,请求捐赠. 他们会声称这些捐款是免税的. 然而, they will pocket these donations (和 sometimes use your information to take more money from your account).
  4. 退换诱饵
    美国国税局称这是“老骗局的新花样”.” After criminals have secured your sensitive personal information, such as your Social Security number or tax forms stolen in the mail, 他们可能会以你的名义提交欺诈性申报表. 一旦资金进入你的银行账户, the scammers will impersonate someone from the IRS 和 call you dem和ing the return of the money. They will ask you to deposit it into a different account or send a check to an address.

    如果你收到一份意外的税单或退款,请提交一份 向联邦贸易委员会投诉,与国税局联系 800.908.4490 并要求 主要征信机构 在你的记录上加个"诈骗警报.

  5. 威胁取消或暂停您的SSN
    A tax scammer will call 和 threaten that your Social Security number (SSN) will be canceled or suspended until your overdue taxes are paid. The scam may seem legit because the caller knows some personal information about you, 比如你社保号的最后四位数字.

    If you receive a call like this, do not share your personal information 和 hang up immediately. 如果他们再打来,不要接. Write down the number 和 send an email with the subject of “IRS Phone Scam” to 网络钓鱼@irs.政府. Include the phone number 和 all other relevant information in the body of the email.

    如果你确实欠税,你可以打电话给国税局 800.829.1040 讨论您的付款方式. 然而, your Social Security number will not be canceled or suspended.

  6. 虚假短信、电子邮件或社交媒体信息
    一些骗子会通过社交媒体联系你, 短信, or emails claiming that you owe the IRS money or need to update your information on file. The IRS will never contact you via social media, text, or email asking for personal information. 你不应该回答这些要求. If you receive any of these messages, you should report them to the IRS by contacting 网络钓鱼@irs.政府.
  7. 报税人幽灵
    Unfortunately, there are scam artists posing as tax professionals. 他们会主动提出帮你报税, 预先收取部分或全部付款, 然后跟你鬼混. 保护自己, be sure to only hire folks with an 招收ed Agent (EA) or Certified Public Accountant (CPA) license who have referrals that you can verify — 点击这里上网查询.
  8. 不诚实的报税人
    Other fraudsters will inflate your tax return to pocket some of the refund. 保护自己, always double-check their work 和 the income that they receive from your tax filing.

得到一个 它的IP引脚

如果你想进一步保护自己免受税务欺诈, you can receive an Identity Protection PIN (IP PIN) directly from the IRS. An IP PIN is a special six-digit number that will ensure only you – or anyone who knows the IP PIN – can file your tax return.

Using an IP PIN means that no one will be able to file a tax return impersonating you. 每年都会有一个新的IP密码.

获取您的IP PIN, you will have to prove your identity to the IRS with an online verification process. 然而, 如果你不懂技术, there are also ways to complete this process over the phone or in person.

了解更多 在国税局网站上.

报告 税务诈骗或欺诈

If you think you are being scammed or someone is trying to defraud you, 你可以向国税局和税务局报告这些情况 加州特许经营税委员会(FTB).

If you want to report it to the FTB, the phone number is 800.852.5711. 你可以在工作日太平洋时间早上8点到下午5点之间打电话. 你也可以 在线提交报告 在任何时候.

你可以向国税局举报税务诈骗 直接在网站上. Choose from the list of potential scams 和 pick the one that fits what happened to you best. If you have lost money because of these scams, you should also contact the 联邦贸易委员会Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA).

提示 & 事实

提示 & 事实

Neither the IRS nor any reputable financial institution will ever ask for your Social Security number or other personal information over the phone.

如果你是 骗税受害者

如果你是税务欺诈或骗局的受害者, you can follow the steps listed above to report the scam or fraud to the IRS, 联邦贸易委员会, TIGTA, 以及加州税务局.

Another thing you can do is set up a credit freeze through the three credit bureaus: Experian, TransUnion, 和Equifax. 如果你的社会安全号码被泄露了, there’s a chance someone could try to open a credit card or loan in your name. 冻结你的信用是免费的. 你可以去 Annual信贷报告.com 开始这个过程.

1 美国财政监察长, “TIGTA Releases Public Service Announcements Warning Taxpayers of the Ongoing Threat of IRS Impersonation Scams,6月10日出版, 2022


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